Jacob’s Well began gathering together in June 2006 and has been engaged in a growing vibrant life of ministry and mission through Bible teaching and service to our community. East Central is the primary neighborhood we have committed to live, work and worship within and it consists of many working poor families, immigrants, elderly, widows, children and youth.
Our worship is contemporary, teaching is expository and Lectionary informed. Our mission is focused on equipping followers of Jesus for a life of faithful service and our burden is for the unreached, undecided and de-churched at home and abroad.
Our passion is Jesus and the historic, apostolic gospel, our methods are practical service by believers who love God with their head, heart and hands.
We hope that you will find the information you are looking for by visiting this site and we pray it will perk your interest enough to come and spend some time getting to know us. Hopefully you will move from an observer to partnering with us in living out the message and mission of Jesus in East Central and throughout Spokane.
We invite you to check out who we are, what we are doing and why we are doing it. Look and listen, but above all, come in person…real life is more authentic and explainable than online life. Granted it might look and feel more raw, imperfect and human than a cool website; but in person you will get a chance to really connect with the good things God is doing around here as a church in the community.
Jacob’s Well joined Regions Beyond in 2024 (https://regionsbeyond.net). Regions Beyond is: “A diverse family of Churches joined in Apostolic Partnership. Our common desire is to see every church among us established as a loving, prayerful, worshiping community that is centered on Jesus, deeply rooted in the Word of God and fully empowered by the Holy Spirit, in order to be effective witnesses in our local communities and across the nations.”

“We live out our call most fully when we are a community of faith with arms wrapped about a community of pain.” -John M. Perkins