
Small Groups

These small groups are gathered for building relationships, spiritual growth and ministry to one another.


God’s Garden: A women’s Bible Study that meets at the Church building every Tuesday at 9:30am. Hosted by Linda Carney for more info give her a call at 509-217-0277

Rooted: If you would like to better understand your Bible, come join us Tuesday evenings as Pastor Steve Beck teaches through the book, “How to Read the Bible for all its Worth”.  This is weekly class for 14 weeks, ending on April 14th.


Book Club: Meets at the Church building at 10AM, facilitated by Pastor Eric.

Community Group: Facilitated by Bill and Sue Beck, 1st and Third Tuesdays 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM 3246 N Stanley Rd, Spokane, WA, 99217-7868

NA (Narcotics Anonymous): meets at the Church Building at Thursdays at 7PM

Once a Month: Men’s Breakfast: facilitated by Dale Fruin at Frankie Doodles every 3rd Saturday. Located at 30 E 3rd Ave, Spokane, WA, 99202-1408