Archive | Podcast

Sermon: Blessed are the Broken

This sermon looks at the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12 in light of the giving of the 10 commandments in Exodus 19 & 20. The self revelation of God in Exodus on Mt. Sinai and the teaching of Jesus on the mount are tensions that the best disciples sometimes fail to understand. Hebrews 12:18 says: “You […]

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Sermon: Echoes of the Wild Boar

Celebrating the good fruit of the reformation: This sermon looks at some of the ways the protestant reformation impacts our lives today in the Evangelical church. Here are some of the ways: A married pastoral ministry, scripture translations in modern languages, the example of challenging systems from within or without, expanding the priesthood of all believers […]

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Jesus, the prophet of fire

John the baptist said there was One coming after him that would baptize not with water but fire. Jesus is often presented as a sedated version of the prophet the people experienced. Sure he was more than a prophet but let’s never dull the impact of his words and ways by  trying to normalize him. […]

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