This video highlights the people, places and projects the members of JWC have been involved with over since our founding in 2006. God has blessed us with a rich history of ministry and mission in our members lives, in the East Central neighborhood and in partnership with others in Spokane and around the world.
Author Archive | ericblauer
Check out our Life Together Now
You can get more of a feel about our current Ministry and Mission at Jacob’s Well by checking out our Facebook Page.
Check out our Online Services
We hope that you will visit us in person but until then you can check out one of our Sunday services on our Youtube page: @jacobswellchurchspokane
We are grateful that you have come by our online front door to Jacob’s Well Church in Spokane Washington. Come on in and take a look around and hopefully what you find will encourage you to take the next step to get to know us all. -Pastor Eric & LeeElla Blauer Our “Next Steps” button […]
Wisdom, Work & Wealth: Sermon 8
“How the early church practiced the justice and righteousness of God’s law in a New Covenant way.”
Wisdom, Work & Wealth: Sermon 7
Tithes & Offerings: Understanding the heart of the economy of God’s Kingdom in the Old Covenant
Wisdom, Work & Wealth: Sermon 6
Proverbs on the Pitfalls of Wealth
Wisdom, Work & Wealth: Sermon 5
Proverbs on the wisdom on the power of wealth
Wisdom, Work & Wealth: Sermon 3
Proverbs chapter 6: The 6 legs of the Ant. A message regarding work.
Wisdom, Work & Wealth: Sermon 2
Proverbs: 4 pillars of influence for a mature life found in the first chapter