6 Signs of the New Exodus of Jesus
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Mark 2
Jesus, The Trouble Maker “Christianity, whatever else it is, is an explosion”…and Mark lights the fuse in chapter 2.
The Glad Tidings of Joy
The Glad Tidings of Joy: Luke, Dickens & Chesterton…the three wise men of Christmas. Why Christmas matters today.
The Lord’s Table As Gospel Witness
One of the ordinances of the church that have been historically consider established clearly by Jesus, the Apostles and the teaching of the Scriptures for all places, all time and all people, is called ‘The Lord’s Table or the Eucharist(thanksgiving) or Communion’ in the historical church. This practice brings together in many ways the overall saving […]
James 5
Our last sermon on the book of James: See things as they are, accept what you must, speak only what you should, pray all you can, do what you can, with whom you can, for whomever you can.
Dave Wilkinson: special speaker
James chapter 4
James chapter 3
Special Speaker: Daniel Dailey
James: The Patriarch and the Prostitute
James Chapter 2. We look at how Abraham and Rahab are extreme opposites, but make great examples of the various ways active faith is essential to a healthy spiritual life in Christ.