Sermon #10: Christ Alone

Series: ‘The Household of Faith, reaffirming the core convictions of the Reformation on it’s 500th Year Anniversary.

“And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Beloved One; listen to him!” And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone..” -Luke 9:35-36

Christians and churches talk about a lot of things these days, but Christ is not often in the forefront of what matters most. Christianity is not faith in Jesus and…it’s Jesus, alone. You may be surprised how other things have moved in and clouded our eyes and ears from seeing and hearing Jesus. Reclaiming the place of ‘solus Christus’ in our faith, helps us move away from the distractions and divisions that plague us and reorient to the unifying centrality of Christ.

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