Sermon #12: The Pugilist: How to contend for the Faith without being contentious.

In light of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, what can we learn from the hate, horrors and heroism in the wake of the reformation? Is it a fair charge that the divisive and combative rhetoric, the demonization of opponents, the betrayal of pious principles and the afterbirth of politics and faith have contributed to the modern era’s revulsion and rejection of religion? How do we “contend for the faith” without becoming caustic, crass and contentious? Why did the Prince of Peace say he came to kindle fire on the earth and described his message as a sword that would divide our most treasured relationships?


  1. What about Martin Luther’s Tongue? | CrowbarMassage - January 24, 2018

    […] The Pugilist: How to contend for the Faith without being contentious: […]