Sermon #13: Is the Reformation Over?

Series: The Household of Faith: Genesis 27:41-45, Genesis 33

-Affirming that all Christians are commanded by Jesus to walk in unity even in our disagreements of faith and practice.

-Refuting the idea that substantive disagreements between Roman Catholicism and Protestants means we can’t walk in unity or expect another reformation of equal historic change.

On the 500th year Anniversary of the Reformation, we have spent 3 months digging into the influence, impact, convictions and conflicts that led up to and followed the birth of Protestantism. Part of this study has been aimed at showing the theological and ecclesiastical reasons for the Reformation. Part is to better equip us to stand in the faith against anything that would diminish Christ, lead us away from sacred scripture and unnecessarily divide the body of Christ. One of the primary intentions at the end of this series is to inspire and envision a new reformation and revival, equal to the impact and influence of the last. This reformation and revival, would be  directed towards unity in Christ, rooted in scripture and a shared historic creedal tradition and in missional intentionality for the advancement of the gospel in this age.

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