The Wisdom Books: Psalms Sermon #3

Sermon #3 Confronting evil with the Psalms….Psalm 74 & Mark 11:12-25

“Let those who love the Lord hate evil…” -Psalm 97:10

“Reading the Psalms is dangerous because the words of the poets and the prophets provoke us to examine what is wrong in the world, with others, with ourselves and with God. I know that you may balk at saying anything is wrong with God. In our head, we probably know that ultimately there is nothing wrong with God, we just don’t know what’s going on? We can’t see what He sees? We don’t know why He is doing what He is doing? But the heart doesn’t always line up with what our heads might be able to intellectually acknowledge. When we pray the psalms they become the smelter’s pot where we throw everything we think, feel and experience into and in time out comes a refined reality that reflects wisdom. But the biblical process or prayer isn’t a demanding, totalitarian like submission or a Pinterest picture of zen meditative ambivalence. Biblical spirituality doesn’t allow us to choose peace with the powers…but to confront them ourselves and in the world around us. The prayer examples of the biblical witness are more wrestlings and wranglings than distance and detachment.”

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