Sermon #1: The Search for Wisdom & the Book of Job
The Wisdom Books of the Bible Series: Do you want help figuring out how to live in such a way that brings meaningful success? Do you want to be better prepared to face the opportunities and challenges of day to day life in school, work, marriage, parenting and relationships? Do you want to find answers and solutions to the problems you face? Do you want to be able to take the knowledge you have and be able to apply it to your life in a workable manner so that it brings greater happiness to yourself and others you care about? The key to managing all these spheres of life is pursuing what the Bible calls…Wisdom.
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Sermon #13: Is the Reformation Over?
Series: The Household of Faith: Genesis 27:41-45, Genesis 33
-Affirming that all Christians are commanded by Jesus to walk in unity even in our disagreements of faith and practice.
-Refuting the idea that substantive disagreements between Roman Catholicism and Protestants means we can’t walk in unity or expect another reformation of equal historic change.
On the 500th year Anniversary of the Reformation, we have spent 3 months digging into the influence, impact, convictions and conflicts that led up to and followed the birth of Protestantism. Part of this study has been aimed at showing the theological and ecclesiastical reasons for the Reformation. Part is to better equip us to stand in the faith against anything that would diminish Christ, lead us away from sacred scripture and unnecessarily divide the body of Christ. One of the primary intentions at the end of this series is to inspire and envision a new reformation and revival, equal to the impact and influence of the last. This reformation and revival, would be directed towards unity in Christ, rooted in scripture and a shared historic creedal tradition and in missional intentionality for the advancement of the gospel in this age.
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Sermon #12: The Pugilist: How to contend for the Faith without being contentious.
In light of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, what can we learn from the hate, horrors and heroism in the wake of the reformation? Is it a fair charge that the divisive and combative rhetoric, the demonization of opponents, the betrayal of pious principles and the afterbirth of politics and faith have contributed to the modern era’s revulsion and rejection of religion? How do we “contend for the faith” without becoming caustic, crass and contentious? Why did the Prince of Peace say he came to kindle fire on the earth and described his message as a sword that would divide our most treasured relationships?
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Sermon #11: God’s Glory Alone (Soli Deo Gloria)
The Bible confirms this life of good works that is a result of faith all through out the New Testament by example, teaching and reason. The truth of this is even echoed back to us in the critiques and condemnations of the unbelieving world whenever they see or experience a church that is all talk and no walk. People who profess faith but are not good people are anathema to the sincere and seeking people of the world. A faith that claims Christ but does not look like Christ is not a biblical life and it would not be the life the reformers would of approved. Christ’s goodness is the the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. That means being good people and doing the most good for the most people, glorifies God.
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Sermon #10: Christ Alone
Series: ‘The Household of Faith, reaffirming the core convictions of the Reformation on it’s 500th Year Anniversary.
“And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Beloved One; listen to him!” And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone..” -Luke 9:35-36
Christians and churches talk about a lot of things these days, but Christ is not often in the forefront of what matters most. Christianity is not faith in Jesus and…it’s Jesus, alone. You may be surprised how other things have moved in and clouded our eyes and ears from seeing and hearing Jesus. Reclaiming the place of ‘solus Christus’ in our faith, helps us move away from the distractions and divisions that plague us and reorient to the unifying centrality of Christ.
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Sermon #9: Sola Fide (Faith Alone)
The Household of Faith: John 9:1-41:
We should be quite familiar with the idea of looking to Jesus for Him to do what we cannot do because the four gospels set the stage for this understanding of faith through the miracle ministry of Christ. All throughout the gospels we are continually presented with some problem that calls for people to place their faith, not in themselves, not in others, not in the temple, priests, sacrifices or the traditions of men but in Christ alone. Over and over again, Jesus calls on people to place their faith in Him, to ‘only believe” a phrase that becomes the core convictions of the reformation teaching of: “by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone as the biblical basis for Justification”.
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The Magi from the East
The mysterious men from the East…Wise men? Princes? Kings or Wizards? Matthew 2:1-12 tells a short story about some very unlikely people that show up to worship Jesus. In this passage, we can find hopeful promise for the times in which we live.
“This Christmas season, the story about the birth of our Savior, Jesus, has particularly power as we see our country in the midst of geo-political, religious, national, racial, inter-personal and cultural conflict. It’s another possible kairos moment when mad Herodian kings are raging, armies are warring across the globe, refugees, immigrants and displaced people are being rerouted by imperial edict and taxes are again at the forefront of people’s minds. In gated clinics, blood from the slaughter of the to-be born innocents still runs and if one’s is quiet they can still hear Rachel weeping for her children who are no more. Our cities streets are full of homelessness and it’s been forever since we’ve heard the angels on high sing of the mighty movings of God on the earth again. Our own wise men and women are looking into the galaxies, searching for signs of life, some hope, somewhere, out there, sooner than later. All of humanity is seemingly riding another agonizing season of transitional birth pains.”
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Sermon #8: Sola Gratia (Grace Alone)
Series: The Household of Faith: Always Reforming (Semper Reformanda)
Affirming by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone is the biblical basis for Justification.
Refuting the belief that our works contribute to our Justification.
Sola gratia (Grace alone) : Salvation comes by the free grace of God. Man cannot—and need not—do any work to earn God’s favor. Salvation is not based in any way upon human merit.
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Sermon #7: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) Part 3
Series: The Household of Faith: Always Reforming (Semper Reformanda)
Affirming that Scripture Alone is the Christian’s Highest Authority.
Refuting that Extra-biblical Revelation, Teaching or Tradition is Equal to Scripture.
Subject of this sermon: What did the Church Fathers Say?
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Sermon #6: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) Part 2
Series: The Household of Faith: Always Reforming (Semper Reformanda)
Affirming that Scripture Alone is the Christian’s Highest Authority.
Refuting that Extra-biblical Revelation, Teaching or Tradition is Equal to Scripture.
Main Points in response to Sola Scriptura:
Recap 1. What Does Rome Say?
Recap 2. What do Protestants Say?
- What do the Scriptures Say?
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