Mark 9: part 3

Mark 9:14-29: Devils, Dads, and Doubt

Parenting children is tough, but it’s especially hard when bad or difficult things happen in life and the result can be that our faith can get riddled with doubt. In this message we take a look at a Father, a Son, and a Devil and how Jesus brought that father to a greater experience of faith in Jesus in the midst of his personal family hell. Christian’s can often present an always sunshine narrative of Christian parenting that edits out many people’s dark and difficult experiences. Jesus offers hope and help to Parents who are at the end of their rope with their kids. We will explore this in our time together.

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Mark 9: Part 2

With Unveiled Faces: Last week in part one of Beholding and Becoming, I attempted to present Jesus to us in the manner that the gospel of Mark proclaims. My intention was to focus our attention on Jesus and invite us to see that Jesus is the center of the purposes of God. We are forever and deeply changed by an understanding of Christ and His transfiguration.  
In this message I show that we too can experience His transfiguration, by learning to “Behold” Him we ‘Become” more like Him.

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Mark 5

Jesus restores a man, a woman and a child from the powers of devils, disease, and death.

This whole chapter wraps up the plight of humanity left to the ravages of self and satan. Men need Jesus, Women need Jesus and our children need Jesus. The world needs families who have been transformed by Christ. Kids need dads and moms who have been redeemed and restored.

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Mark 4

“Jesus didn’t make things easy I believe, in part, because making things easy doesn’t change minds. It merely confirms what people already think, that, or it fails to get past the defenses they erect against things they don’t want to think about anyway. We make things so easy to understand people can see them coming a mile off. When people have to work to understand something difficult their thinking is altered to accommodate it. And the mind never goes back to its original shape.”

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