The Household of Faith: Sermon #4: Christ our Bread & Wine:

Affirming the Eucharist as one bread and cup, for one body.

Refuting sectarian views that damage, divide or distort the unity of the faith.

As we continue our extended look at the Reformation on its 500 year anniversary, we are moving through the major matters of disagreement that led to the growth of the Protestant branch of the Christian tree. Today we will explore the issue of the Eucharist and how our understanding of the Lord’s Table is one essential part in understanding the gospel.

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The Household of Faith: Always Reforming

This is the first message in the new series called: ‘The Household of Faith: Always Reforming. This series aims to familiarize people with the core beliefs of the Historic Church and how they shape and inform the belief, worship and practice of Jesus followers today. There are obvious historic differences and divisions in the history of the Church and we must be aware of those disagreements, distinctions and debates. In this series we will dig into those matters as we seek to root our understanding of the Church in the Scriptures, in light of the witness and traditions of the past and the monumental changes that resulted in the Reformation. This message begins to examine the issues that led up to the Reformation, in particular, can the people of God fall into error and/or apostasy?  Is there biblical precedent to the need of Return, Renewals or Reformations?

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Ghost Stories Series: Final Sermon #16 Tongues as a Sign

1 Corinthians 14:22: “Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers…”

If Paul says that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, what does this sign point to, describe or warn us about? Signs are given to direct us in some capacity, they are provided for us by someone who knows more than we do, wants to help us get to some destination or warn of us of some danger ahead. This is my final message in our series ‘Ghost Stories: Uncovering the truth about the Presence & Power of the Holy Spirit’. This message sits as one of the most important in this series when it comes to understanding the gift of tongues. I am pretty sure this sermon will contain material that will be surprising for some in understanding tongues. If tongues is a gift that you have avoided learning about as a timid or anxious evangelical, or you’ve been told it’s not for today, or you are just a burned out charismatic or disillusioned Pentecostal, this message will be helpful.

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Surprised by the Spirit: Ghost Stories Sermon #15

Moving from formula to formation in understanding the work of the Holy Spirit in Acts. I think this is a particularly important message for anyone who has been exhausted, disillusioned or biblically perplexed by the Charismatic/Pentecostal movements. This is probably my definitive discussion on the subject on how Acts is a description not a prescription on life in the Spirit. 

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Ghost Stories: Sermon #14

“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”: Acts 18:18-28 & 19:1-12

If someone doesn’t seem to know if they have the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their life, it’s fair to assume that they don’t have it. If you have it, you should know it. “Give a man an electric shock, and I warrant you he will know it; but if he has the Holy Ghost, he will know it much more.” (Spurgeon) This isn’t something to hope about; we can know – one can know they are filled with the Holy Spirit.

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Discerning of Spirits, Tongues, & Interpretation: Ghost Stories #13

Saints, Snakes & a Slave Girl: Discerning of Spirits, Tongues, & Interpretation. Acts 16:16-22 Sermon #13

‘Ghost Stories: Uncovering the truth about the Presence & Power of the Holy Spirit.’

Matters discussed:

-What the gifts of Discerning of Spirits, Tongues, & Interpretation are.

-5 guardrails for navigating spiritual direction and communications.

-3 Differences between pagan and biblical communications.  

-How to discern truth from error in spiritual communications.

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Ghost Stories, Sermon #12: Prophetic Ministry

Prophetic Ministry: How prophecy, word of wisdom & word of knowledge display the power and presence of God in and through the Church. Part 12 in our series ‘Ghost Stories: Uncovering the truth about the Presence & Power of the Holy Spirit.’

“Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” 1 Corinthians 14:1

1. The Promise of Prophecy
2. The Priority of Prophecy
3. The Purposes of Prophecy
4. The Test of Prophecy

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